American Families Suffer While Illegals Enjoy Free Healthcare and Housing

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It’s no secret that the Biden-Harris administration treats American citizens like second-class citizens while bending over backward to accommodate illegal immigrants. That’s right, the people who break our laws by crossing our borders unlawfully are getting benefits that you and I pay for with our hard-earned tax dollars. Welcome to the America where playing by the rules leaves you picking up the tab for those who don’t.

Over the past four years, we’ve seen this administration prioritize illegal immigrants over American citizens at every turn. Free healthcare, education, housing, welfare—these are just some of the perks handed out to those who’ve entered the country unlawfully. And what’s the cost of these “freebies”? Well, it’s not free to you or me. Every benefit given to an illegal immigrant is another expense tacked onto the bill for hard-working Americans. As the saying goes, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

Just look at the numbers. The House Committee on Homeland Security reported that illegal immigration has cost American taxpayers a mind-boggling $451 billion in just two years. That’s nearly half a trillion dollars drained from healthcare, law enforcement, education, and housing budgets to cover the millions of illegal immigrants who were let into the country under the so-called leadership of Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

And let’s not forget the 1.7 million “gotaways”—illegal immigrants who evaded authorities and are roaming freely throughout the country. Biden and Harris are all too happy to encourage this costly disaster while American families are left footing the bill.

Speaking of costs, let’s talk about the economic toll. The consequences of this administration’s open-border policy are evident in everyday life. Skyrocketing taxes, inflation that’s out of control, gas prices through the roof—this is the new normal. Grocery bills have spiked, and middle-class families are struggling to make ends meet.

And the worst part? The consequences aren’t just economic. In recent weeks, FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, announced they’re running out of money. Why? Because funds that should be reserved for Americans dealing with hurricanes, fires, and other natural disasters are being diverted to support illegal immigrants. FEMA’s disaster relief fund is being drained to accommodate a border crisis that Biden and Harris have created and refuse to fix. The next time a hurricane hits, will FEMA have enough left to help American citizens? Or will we be left high and dry while illegal immigrants are housed and fed at our expense?

This isn’t just a theory—it’s happening in real-time. In 2023 alone, illegal immigration cost U.S. taxpayers $150.7 billion. Federal, state, and local governments are bearing the brunt of these expenses. Texas, Florida, and New York are especially strained. Florida shelled out $566 million last year just for healthcare for undocumented immigrants, while New York City is projecting a staggering $12 billion in future costs for housing and feeding them.

California’s not off the hook either, spending over $4 billion annually on healthcare for illegal immigrants, with who knows how much more going toward food and housing.

Let’s also talk about safety. Illegal immigration doesn’t just drain our wallets—it threatens our communities. Texas alone spends $850 million annually on services for illegal immigrants, including law enforcement and incarceration. Meanwhile, our hospitals are overcrowded, our schools are overwhelmed, and law enforcement is spread too thin.

What does the Biden-Harris administration have to say about all this? Nothing but gaslighting. Kamala Harris, the so-called “Border Czar,” hasn’t lifted a finger to fix this mess. Four years into this disaster, and the administration still refuses to take responsibility for their catastrophic immigration policies. They promised to reverse Trump’s policies on day one, claiming they could fix immigration with the wave of a magic wand. But here we are, nearly four years later, and it’s only gotten worse.

The facts don’t lie:

  • $150.7 billion a year—that’s what illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers.
  • Every American taxpayer is coughing up $1,156 per year just to cover these costs.
  • Each illegal immigrant costs the country $8,776 annually.

The Biden-Harris administration has failed the American people. Instead of securing our borders and looking out for U.S. citizens, they’ve chosen to reward those who break the law. But it doesn’t have to be this way. With new leadership, we can turn this around.