Great Reset: Trump to Change Military Base Names Back After Congress Surrendered to BLM

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President Donald Trump is promising to change the names of American military bases back to the way they were before the 2020 election was stolen. He made the pledge during a town hall in Fayetteville, NC, on Friday. The media is once again pretending that they don’t speak English and are claiming that this is a move to revive the Confederacy. (They’re such liars. It’s exhausting keeping up with them.)

One of the targeted facilities that Trump is promising to rename is Fort Liberty in North Carolina. If you don’t recognize the name, that’s because it was Fort Bragg for most of its previous history.

Following the Black Lives Matter domestic terrorist riots of 2020, many of the cowards in Congress decided to try to appease the mobs by renaming some monuments and bases that honored Confederate soldiers. This was never about “healing” the wounds of so-called “systemic racism.”

The reason why so many war memorials and bases were named after Confederate leaders was because the country had gone through the Civil War. It required a unity movement that took decades to heal the country from that. As a result, soldiers and leaders from both the Union and the Confederacy have been honored ever since.

The communists wearing around the “Democratic Party” moniker like a skinsuit don’t want the country unified, however. That’s why they strongarmed the wimps in Congress into changing the names of bases in the first place. They want to keep Americans divided and they spit on our heritage as a nation.

Trump is right to want to rename our military bases and monuments after great Confederate leaders. That has nothing to do with glorifying the Confederacy. It’s about reminding us that we are all Americans—which the Democrats would like us all to forget.