Shock Study Discovers 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements in the COVID Vaccines

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Officials in Argentina are calling for an immediate suspension of all COVID vaccines after a groundbreaking study discovered dozens of undeclared chemical elements in the shots. Many of the elements are toxic to humans and known carcinogens. The Big Pharma companies that make the vaccines did not disclose the presence of these elements in the shots, so it’s unclear whether this was accidental contamination or if it was done deliberately.

In a study published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, scientists in Argentina forensically examined the ingredients of the COVID vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V, Sinopharm, and CanSino. They discovered that all the shots contained varying levels of all 11 heavy metals from the periodic table.

These include lead, arsenic, mercury, chromium, nickel, aluminum, cobalt, and copper. Lead, arsenic, and mercury are basically poison to human beings. Many of the other heavy metals are known to be toxic or carcinogenic to people.

As if the ingredients didn’t already sound like the recipe for an electric car battery, the research found even more. The shots contain 11 of the 15 lanthanides from the periodic table. These are rare earth metals used in electronics manufacturing and include lanthanum, cerium, and gadolinium. They’re all toxic to people.

In total, the researchers identified 55 chemical elements from the periodic table in varying amounts in every brand of COVID vaccine. None were disclosed to the public before they were injected into the arms of more than 1 billion people worldwide. Chromium was present in 100% of the vaccine samples that the scientists examined. Mercury was present in 18% of all vaccine samples. Undeclared arsenic was present in 82% of the shots they examined.

A member of the journal’s editorial board who was not part of the research team says that these findings are much worse than they sound.

“Individually, these chemicals are known to cause neurological, cardiovascular and immunological damage,” said Dr. James Lyon-Weiler, PhD. “Together, their synergistic toxicity could exacerbate these risks far beyond what regulators and manufacturers have disclosed or studied.”

Vaccines frequently include ingredients known as excipients. These can include preservatives, adjuvants, stabilizers, or ingredients used for other purposes. One of the excipients that was used in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID shots, which was never publicly disclosed, was simian virus 40 (SV40). This is a monkey virus that is known to cause terminal cancer in humans when administered at unsafe levels.

When the presence of SV40 was discovered in the shots earlier this year, the Surgeon General of Florida recommended that all Floridians avoid taking any more COVID booster shots. He also urged the CDC to pull the shots from the market until further study could be conducted on exactly how SV40 alters human DNA. His concerns were ignored by the CDC.

Excipients don’t have to be listed in the contents of the final product, but it is still a requirement that they be listed in a vaccine’s package insert. None of the 55 chemical elements from the periodic table were listed as excipients. They were not listed anywhere. It’s not as if this was confined to just one or two pharmaceutical companies, either.

The researchers found unsafe and undeclared chemical elements in every brand of COVID shot from every manufacturer. The CDC is currently ignoring this research from the scientists in Argentina. The agency still claims that the COVID shots are “safe and effective” and is urging everyone to receive their sixth booster shot this fall. Since we now know the vaccines contain arsenic, mercury, and lead, which are poisonous to humans in any amount, what do you suppose it would take to get the CDC to label them as “unsafe?”